Corporate social responsibility
Group Gheys supports the search for sustainable solutions for the major challenges facing the world today. Climate changes are already affecting the world, the oceans are becoming increasingly polluted by plastics and CO2 emissions are still rising.
Our vision on Corporate Social Responsibility is that, in addition to our economic activities, as a company we must not be afraid to focus on the health of people and the environment. Not only are our strategic decisions influenced by these values, the social and environmental impact are also taken into account in our day-to-day operations.
In addition to investments in alternative energy sources, Group Gheys is constantly modernising its fleet of vehicles and rolling out various initiatives aimed at significantly reducing (plastic) pollution, waste and CO2 emissions.
As a member of Cefic, Group Gheys supports the Responsible Care programme, has signed the 'Operation Clean Sweep' Charter of PlasticsEurope and is a member of the 'Antwerp Zero Pellet Loss Task Force'.
In doing so, Group Gheys wants to take its responsibility in the preservation of our planet.
Operation Clean Sweep
The worsening plastic pollution of the maritime environment affects everyone, including Gheys. This is why we signed the OCS charter in 2019 which underlines our commitment to actively work on preventing plastic pellet spills in the environment. By obtaining the OCS certificate, we want to prove that we are effectively practising what we preach.
Our approach
- Existing facilities and procedures were adapted to prevent or minimise the loss of pellets during processing.
- Additional equipment was purchased to clean up incidental spills quickly and thoroughly.
- The separation process of plastic waste streams was improved to increase the recyclable share.
- We now use an app to report and manage spills.
- The water drainage system has been fitted with industrial pellet separators to form an additional barrier with the public sewage system.
- We invested in a blow-off installation to remove remaining pellets from the trucks driving out.
In September 2024, the Gheys transport division, as well as the logistic sites and the cleaning station obtained OCS certification.
With our “Zero Pellet Loss” policy, we remain committed to counteracting pellet loss in the plastics chain.
GhG Management
As a logistics company, the diesel consumption of our truck fleet is responsible for more than 90% of carbon emissions. Although increasing numbers of cars are electric now, this is not the case for (heavy) transport. Apart from one pilot project, the extra weight of the heavy batteries and the very high purchase prices of these trucks make it commercially unfeasible to make the switch now. However, that doesn't mean we're not making efforts where we can.
Our approach
- The three privately owned wind turbines provide enough electricity to BLC Beringen. The excess is injected into the public grid which means we only need to buy electricity when there's next to no wind.
- The new head office has been provided with solar panels and designed to be completely energy neutral.
- All newly purchased forklifts and reach stackers have electric motors.
- The oil-powered motors of the aerators have been replaced by electric motors.
- The warehouses and silo parks will be fitted with LED lighting, representing a reduction in consumption of 45% and 61% respectively.
- The car fleet is currently being electrified, a process we expect to complete by 2026.
- Meanwhile, the first pilot projects with hydrogen trucks are also underway in cooperation with interested customers.
In our ambition to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to at least 55% by 2030, 2022 is used as the reference year. The report of our carbon emissions for 2023 is available in ‘Gheys - our CO2 footprint’

Pellet bulking results in a lot of residual plastic and cardboard packaging material that cannot be reused.
Our approach
- Used cardboard and plastic are stored separately and then recycled by a specialised company.
Pellets are always lost in the bulking and packaging process. They can end up being spread around the work floor.
Our approach
- We are constantly working on smart solutions and improvements to existing installations to minimise the loss of pellets.
- We also invest in cleaning equipment to collect and recycle the lost pellets as efficiently as possible.
We generate waste that can be recycled and/or reused.
Our approach
- We work as much as possible with specialised companies that recycle our waste or reuse it for other applications. Each year, this concerns 14,500 pallets, 427 tonnes of packaging materials, 138 tonnes of plastics, 10 tonnes of metals and 1,943 tonnes of miscellaneous waste products.
Water consumption
Belgian Cleaning Center - Group Gheys' cleaning station - uses an average of 230 m3 of water per week to clean bulk trucks. In the truck-wash an average weekly consumption of 15m3 is measured.
Our approach
- BCC is equipped with its own water treatment plant where the consumed water is purified to drinking water quality.
- Maximum use is made of rainwater in the tank cleaning and truck wash, which is collected in a separate storage tank.
- The rinsing programmes at BCC were optimised, thus saving almost 30% mains water.

The ecological impact of transport on people and the environment is an established fact.
Our approach
- A decisive factor when buying new traktors is fuel consumption. By choosing the 'best-in-class' brand, we manage to reduce fuel consumption by 7%.
- Another factor that is taken into account when buying new traktors is maintenance frequency. The result is a 39% reduction in the use of motor oil. The waste oil is collected by a specialised company that recycles it.
- We drive with full traktors as much as possible, both for the outward and the return trips.
- We offer our customers the possibility to transport their containers by barge from the port of Antwerp to our logistics centres. By opting for container transport by barge, a 50% reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions is achieved compared to road transport.

Collaboration with subcontractors
Transport Gheys works with a number of subcontractors in whom we have full confidence. They drive under the flag of Gheys and guarantee our good name as a reliable transport partner.
Our approach
- All our subcontractors are screened on various criteria before a long-term collaboration is started. To be considered as a preferred subcontractor, they also have to agree with our business values and promote them in their company.
- We encourage them to launch their own CSR programme and to sign the OCS charter.
Equal opportunities
Gheys gives everyone the same opportunities regardless of nationality, sex or religion.
Our approach
- Our recruitment policy results in the employment of almost as many women as men in administrative positions at Gheys. 1 in 4 operators and drivers has an immigrant background.
Gheys considers it its duty to help the weak and needy in society.
Our approach
- Group Gheys supports many local initiatives such as Truckers voor Kinderen, de Witte Mol and donates written off ICT materials to local schools.
- In addition, Gheys supports various care centres and NGOs, including Red Cross Flanders, Doctors Without Borders and the food bank.